
Takeout Grow Kits: Grow Fresh Organic Food Anywhere

Created by robyn jasko

We transformed the takeout container into the easiest grow kit on the planet. Start a garden anywhere with our fun mini-greenhouse kits

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Wow! We did it!
over 8 years ago – Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 09:17:18 PM

Thank you guys so much for making our project such a success! So, what's next? Over the next few days, we will be working on our survey so you can input all of your info, pick your kits, and get us your shipping info. 

What about the cilantro stretch goal? There's still hope! Through Backerkit (a platform that helps streamline the fulfillment end), we'll be offering add-ons, and if these take us over the $20K mark, we'll unlock the final stretch goal! 

So, stay tuned for a survey link coming atcha early next week, and have a great weekend! And, if you are in the NYC area, come see our Greenmarket stand Friday at Union Square, or McCarren Park Brooklyn on Saturday for a free drink on us (we serve farm-to-cup lemongrass and holy basil tea!) 

Thanks again all!


Final Push! And Free Seeds for Sharing Today!
over 8 years ago – Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 07:08:11 PM

Hey guys,

Our campaign ends at midnight tonight, and to celebrate, we are giving free microgreen seeds to everyone that helps spread the word about our last day! These organic seeds are super easy to grow, and can be grown anywhere and harvested in less than 3 weeks!

Here's how it works:

  • Share our campaign on Facebook or Twitter
  • Email a screenshot of it to us at [email protected].
  • Get a free packet of microgreen seeds added to your pledge as a thank you! 

To share our project, just click the links below!

Thanks again everyone for your support----we are overwhelmed with gratitude by each and every one of you, and know that together, we can do amazing things! 

Growing your own food (or teaching others to grow food) is one of the most empowering things in the world, and you are all a part of it---that's a pretty great feeling, and we can't wait to get these grow kits out to you! 



36 hours to go! The free BONUS Cilantro Kit is on the horizon!
over 8 years ago – Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 12:41:09 PM

Thanks everybody!!! You guys are amazing and we are so excited about this campaign! We have a few fun stretch goals, can we make it? Let's see! 

Next up is: $15,000: free refill kit for ALL backers

$20,000: a Free bonus Cilantro Kit!!!!

And, in case you missed it, we have added on a nifty LED grow light add-on, which will help you grow your kit anywhere, even indoors (these are great for offices or apartments).  Just increase your pledge by $16 for each light you'd like and we will add it to your pledge. 

 36 hours to go, so please keep spreading the word, and thanks again all----we are really excited to help you grow your own organic food with our new grow kits!!



The Big Reveal---New Growlight Add-on Announced!
over 8 years ago – Fri, Nov 06, 2015 at 12:14:46 PM

Hi guys! I have some exciting news----we just added a new LED GrowLight Add-on! It's pretty neat, and superbright to help keep your grow kit seedlings happy (If seedlings don't have enough light, they can get leggy) This portable, foldable and rechargeable LED light has 24 LEDs(!), and will help get your plants off to a great start. It also has three light settings, so you can adjust as needed.It's also battery or USB powered (and comes with a 3.5' USB cord for recharging. It also can be adjusted to go higher or lower depending on how tall your plants are. 

If you are planning on starting your Takeout Grow Kit in the wintertime, or live in an apartment, home, or office that doesn't get a lot of light, this LED light will get you off to a great start. Just increase your pledge by $16 for each grow light you'd like to add on. At the highest setting, each grow light will provide enough light for 2 kits. 

You can add this by adjusting your pledge and adding $16 for each growlight you'd like...we were also chatting with the folks at Backerkit and may be using their service to keep add-ons simple and streamline our fulfillment (and if any super backers have thoughts on Backerkit, I'd love to hear it!) 

Thanks again all, and have a great weekend!


The Future Looks Bright...
over 8 years ago – Thu, Nov 05, 2015 at 01:45:59 PM

 Hi guys!

I've been receiving a bunch of emails from our backers who are psyched about the idea of a bonus cilantro kit if we hit $20,000-----that would be so fun right? So I was racking my brain for the perfect accoutrement for our project to help make this even more possible---and right now, I am having samples of something pretty neat being overnighted over to Homesweet Homegrown HQ that I think is the perfect add-on to our kits! Soon as it arrives, we will photograph it and add it to our campaign so you can check it out! So, stay tuned...

But, in the meantime, please continue to share our project to help us reach our next stretch goals! Only 6 days left, so we are in the final stretch!

Thank you again for making this project a reality---We're all in this together, and can't wait to get these out to you guys!
